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12 Apr 2021

What is Leadership Team Training?

Leadership Team Training is an activity that makes leadership teams much better equipped to deal with any challenges their organisation and teams are facing.

There are thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of leadership team training courses that senior leaders team could embark on, from entry level variety all the way to the full MBA.

But believe me when I say – promise, indeed – that HPTM® Leaders is an absolute must for all leadership teams.

Read on to learn why…

Best Leadership Methodology

The Best Leadership Methodology In The Marketplace

We’re not just saying this to make money. 

In fact, we’ll happily send you the methodology and pre-recorded examples of successes it has generated for our clients FOR FREE if you drop us an email asking for this material at team@tribe365.co.

What’s special about HPTM® Leaders is that it will unlock high performing capabilities in your leadership team that can then be filtered through into your wider teams. 

Really, please do ask us about the methodology. 

We’ll be sharing a lot of it on our website but need to hold some of it back to avoid being plagiarised by our competitors. 

But if you have a question in mind, please do email us, and we’ll see what we can do to help.

What The Best Business Leaders Need To Understand

Leadership teams really need to understand that they should 99% be relying on their passion and ability to collaborate, as well as their ability to look after their own needs and be honest with all around them. Follow this rule, and they can be a perfect example to the people around them.

If they don’t follow these principles, however, then they will become exhausted and disconnected from their teams. 

If they can get to the crux of HPTM® Leaders, they will not only experience personal growth but be able to pass their learnings onto their teams, and help them adopt winning behaviours. 

Once the whole team gets to understand the key lessons and principles of HPTM®, then everything else (communication, emotional intelligence, right behaviours and everything else) takes care of themselves. 

Life will seem so easy, and the world a beautiful place – and yes it is this simple!

Of course, each leadership team will have their own unique challenges. 

But, for a universally applicable leadership training programme that helps organisations create the kind of harmonious working environment that generates high performance, look no further than HPTM® Leaders!

leadership training programme

Why Is HPTM® Leaders Great For Leadership Teams?

The leadership team training provided by HPTM® leaders is made up of six modules rooted in four core principles.

The modules will help your leadership team to explore the concepts that drive this change programme and help them get to a place where they not only accept the four principles as wholly irrefutable but become so conversant in them that they will feel the confidence to debate the minutiae with wider teams across your organisation. The entire programme is entirely underpinned by honesty. And, more pertinently, the ‘operational honesty’ that is so essential to the achievement of organisational goals.

Each team member benefits from the expertise of a trainer who takes them through a series of six modules.  At the beginning of each module, the trainer will put up a single slide with one word on it: ‘Honesty’. 


Because this is what’s at the nub of every aspect of high performance. 
Without honesty, everything else is flawed. 

Getting teams to the level where they will bring up every little thing that puts them off their game sees organisations flourish. Many people (especially in the UK) are programmed to believe in the old fashioned and obstructive idea that we should act tough and ignore small things. No! We need to get beyond that and tackle these ‘small issues’, because they are very real distractions that will ultimately end up hampering performance.

Most organisational and team failure occurs as a result of a lack of honesty and the ability to deal with what seem like hindrances (but are actually very big roadblocks in reality) properly.

Four Principles That Are Critical To High Performance

  • Only do things that you believe in
  • Always ensure that everyone agrees with every step forward
  • Everyone must manage their own conditions
  • Be Operationally Honest

It’s essential that teams always stick to these key guiding principles.

The biggest challenge – as outlined above – is getting team members to be 100% operationally honest with each other.

High Performance Principles

Why is HPTM® Leaders The Best Leadership Training?

Of course there are other leadership programmes out there.
But HPTM® Leaders is the only leadership training programme in the world that is rooted in an app that tangibly measures team happiness and evaluates organisational change and cultural improvement from start to finish.

The full list of the advantages and benefits of the HPTM® Leaders programme looks something like this:

Measured Impact
The Tribe365® app that HPTM® Leaders dovetails with enables us to constantly measure and evaluate the direct impact of the training

Defined Timeline
The HPTM® leaders programme is delivered over six two-hour sessions

1:1 Coaching
There is 1:1 coaching delivered digitally throughout the 12 hours of learning

Everything is Digital
All HPTM® leaders sessions are delivered digitally, thereby minimising costs such as travel, accommodation or expenses

There are only four rules
The HPTM® leaders leadership training only boils down to four rules, as outlined in this blog. This may seem overly simplistic to some, but we know from a series of consistent successes how beneficial the HPTM® Leaders approach is to the leaders and organisations that implement its learnings (we’d be happy to send you case studies – please email us for them at team@tribe365.co

Defined Benefits
Everyone that goes through the programme must be in a position to coach other people in their respective organisation by the end of the programme, or they fail it. This means once a leadership team has been through the programme, they can start to coach those within their sphere of influence and we create a trickle-down effect

How Do We Start HPTM® Leaders?!

Simple – just visit this web page and click on Start Now
Or, if you’d rather discuss a few things first, please give us a call on +44 (0) 1325 734 846

Interested in finding out more?
Book a meeting in with the Tribe team
today on +44 (0) 1913 080 356 or at

Written By Oliver Randall

Oliver is one of the Tribe365 ® founding members and has forged a career on finding passion in everything he does. Until the work with Tribe365 ® he never really understood it, and has found his real passion is unlocking the true passion and enjoyment in everyone around him.

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